holiday is a torture
What Difficulties Would An Ancient Greek Native Speaker Have in Learning Modern Greek?
Can Christians Be Feminists?
I like turtles! :)
Modern Anarchist Thinkers?
What are some useful languages that are not popular to learn?
Which countries are the most monolingual, and learning the local language would be the most beneficial?
Countries with anarchist histories
Should Anarchists still read Marx & Lenin and such?
should I stretch or slide?
Thoughts on Logos Lingua Graeca Per Se Illustrata (LGPSI) by Santi Carbonell?
Why do most people radically downplay the impact of Christianity in leftist thought to an irrational extent?
Please pray for me I think I have been a possible victim of theft.
Is there anyway to ignore an error in html?
how do you guys accept yourself?
I wish i was a “normal” girl
I am worried that I won’t be seen as “trans enough” to get my needed PES F (TW: Suicide, transphobia, and religion)
The Futility of Arguing
What are y’all’s favourite writers? :3
Youth mental health: PAP group wants age of consent for services to be lowered to 18
Opinions on communism?
i regret creating my school confession page