What country is this? Wrong answers only
Seze at 3 and 6 months old
New kitten🩵 any girl name suggestions?
Name suggestions?
This wee furball is getting his stones cut off today, wish him luck!! 🍒❌
If canzuk existed today do you think it would be harder for the USA to bully Canada?
(Maps + Lore) "What if he really meant it?" - President Trump Authorizes Special Border Operation into Canada - Near-future alternate history story line I'm working on, feedback appreciated
Finally joining the floofy club! Meet my future baby 🩷
My sweet boy Gandalf!
Wally’s world
[IWantOut] 32F USA -> Japan/SK/Germany/Panama
What should I name this cute kitty lady
Completely unenthused that he is 3
What country is it? Only wrong answers
What country is this? Wrong answer only
Guess his name!
My little princess
What is this country? wrong answers only☠️
Living in Korea makes me feel disconnected from the rest of the world
"I'm not sure what's happening, but I'm gonna keep doing it anyhow"
is this a number starion?
Any one seen this yet? Wish I could just get the software without the £100 desktoy (cool but too much for me)