Can u get to the point where u can live a normal life with this through improving fitness
Does having kids worsen or effect POTS?
Does anyone get extremely bad cold air intolerance
Is there any medication that can improve dizziness and ur quality of life?
Is it possible to grow out of this?
Fever like symptoms with no present fever?
do you think i have pots?/yapping a lot
Dealing with POTS on your period!
My massage therapist told me my body is coping, no longer functioning.
What is your favourite season with POTS
People in the uk what’s your situation and support like? Sorry if this is a long read but need some uk peoples advice (big rant)
It felt like i fainted but i was still partially conscious, what is it?
constant nausea - nothing helping
Need advice
Can oversleeping worsen POTS?
Any help with recovery after an attack
Dealing with asthma and POTS flare at same time, any advice?
How do u guys manage fatigue
what ways can sodium Chloride help POTS
I don’t know if I am overthinking, I’m starting to second guess this
How do u help health anxiety with POTS
Does anyone have reactions to certain foods?
Never ending flare up
i don’t want to deal with this anymore - even showering is too hard
OCD looks like anxiety (and it's OCD awareness month lol)