Joining DBD discord to play with random SWFs made the game more enjoyable.
Ionic sentry is terrible
Average Black Panther Experience into 3 support meta
Genshin roster ranked on who can beat Childe in a fight
What are some good counters for THIS comp?
With the Verity Brow buffs it would be deeply upsetting if there is no ornament on Tuesday
Which lord icon terrifies you when they are on the enemy team?
No new exotic armors in Heresy
The actual best dps of each element (updated)
Clove should always be allowed to use her ultimate if she's the last person alive, especially if the bomb is planted
Destiny 2: You Don't Know Anything About Game Engines - Server Issues, D...
What game comes to mind?
Arc warlocks are eating very good next season
Playing full arc is fun and refreshing and got me back into the game
Survivors, do you Prefer Killers to End Unwinnable Games Early?
I have noticed something in the captain's fight vs mavuika
Diluc vs Childe. Who wins?
All this anti Penni talk I see is stupid
Moonknight Ult needs a nerf, right?
Chaos reach should be changed to use the new bolt charge instead of its own unique lightning strike
We need to talk about the 30% lightning surge buff.
#stopdoomfisthate (video on streamer that trolls me cause I'm on doom) enjoy :D
Day 2 : Mid in Game Strong in Game
Should Warlock be able to deal half as much damage as Titan and Hunter?