do you think that childhood SA at a young young age could cause, for example, a girl to develop gender dysphoria and start believing their transgender?

im transgender FTM, and im 15, 16 on monday. anyways, i never knew until recently that when i was young around 3-5, i was sexually molested and raped by my mothers boyfriend. which, looking back at it, explains my extremely hypersexual behavior that i developed at such a young age.. age 6. but, often times i sit and think to myself asking if because of the sexual assault i received at such a young age, and the other assaults i received after as well, could have contributed to the gender dysphoria? but when i think about it, im not completely sure. because my first phrase was “mama why not boy?”, referring to the question, “mama why am i not a boy?”, which, i started speaking phrases at the age of 1 1/2, way before i was sexually assaulted for the first time. but i can’t help but to wonder if the sexual assault may have contributed to it? im not sure, though. what are your guys’ thoughts?