Sorry to delhi metro

Idk whether it's normal or not but for me this happened for the first time and I'm feeling a bit shameful. I was on a call with my mom and heading to my home , it was my first time on vishwavidyalaya station , I was not aware of stairs and coach position I saw metro waiting at the platform and I somehow boarded the train, the moment I entered I saw few seats were empty ( I was literally happyy because I was wearing formals and they are not comfortable ) so I just tapped my friends back and sat on the seat next to the next seat of reserved seat and as I was on call I didn't realise that my friend went to the next coach and I was alone in the 1st coach . A few seconds later a lady sitting after 1 seat waved at me . And she was trying to say something I remove phone from my ear and she said " aap yaha na betho " I looked up just wondering maybe I sat on ladies seat and at this moment I realised that I'm the only male in that compartment and my friends are standing in the next coach .

I'm sorry to the ladies present over there coz the way she said " aap yana na betho " and her expression said ki saabko idhar aake Bethna hai

Do males board female reserved coach?