Should we pause potty training?
We are at a loss for what to do. My son recently turned 4, and is still not potty trained. At this point, we have been trying for almost a year. We have tried rewards, sticker chart, multiple different methods to try and get him to use the potty independently. It does just not work. He does not tell us when he has to go, we have to tell him to go potty, which he will with a fight (most of the time he fights it). He will then go 1 or 2 on the potty when we tell him. If we do not take him or tell him to go, he simply uses his pants without telling us. Myself and my husband have tried so hard and we don’t want to put him back in pull ups full time. He does (recently started) go to a part time in home preschool 6 hours a week, where he does use a pull up as we didn’t want any accidents, the teacher said she asks him if he has to go, but apparently she says he doesn’t listen to her with that. I take him potty at drop off, and when i pick him up. We were hoping preschool would help as he would see other kids going to the restroom. Not helping yet.
Part of me is wondering if we should ditch the pull-ups at preschool, as maybe it’s confusing him at home, but i guarantee he will have an accident. Idk.
He is recently diagnosed level 1, awaiting referrals for therapies.
What can we try? I feel like we’ve tried everything. Myself and my husband feel so defeated.